CSSB online services
CSSB Online Services
Online Services is an easy and secure way to access your pension and insurance information, both before and after retirement. Get the information you want, when you want it.
Registered members can access their Online Services accounts by logging in with a username (ie, an email address) and a password.
Register on the CSSB Online Services registration page.
Watch videos providing an overview of Online Services.
For those members who have already registered, enter the CSSB Online Services area. (ID and password required)
- Faster service, when it suits you. Online Services gives members 24 hour, 7 day a week access to current and much historical information.
- Members who use Online Services can get much of the information they want without waiting until they can contact one of our staff. Rather than being limited to regular business hours or waiting for information to be mailed out, Online Services may help members get the information they want faster.
- Pensioners, for example, could use their year to date information, available online at the end of the year, to prepare their tax returns. Even if a pensioner wants to wait until we post his or her T4A, it will be posted to the online account well before we’ve had a chance to print, package, and mail the paper copies – which may be mailed as late as the end of February.
- Online Services is almost always available, except for approximately an hour each night when it is being updated, and very occasionally at other times if we have internet service or other issues.
- Cost savings for the pension plan. Reducing administration costs increases the money left in the fund to pay pensions. Employees are generating thousands of pension estimates each year through Online Services, which reduces staff time and costs for paper, printer toner, envelopes, and postage.
- Although there are setup costs for developing Online Services, we use our existing internal programs as a foundation, which helps keep setup and maintenance costs relatively low. In the long term, we are confident these costs are more than offset by cost savings.
- Environmentally friendlier. You can use Online Services to send, receive and store most communications with our office. This reduces the use of letterhead, envelopes, postage, etc. When you want a paper document, you can either print it from your online account or ask that we send you a copy.
- Although our priority is member service rather than environmental protection, we try to avoid unnecessary impact whenever reasonable and practicable.
- A storage place for your pension information. Many people find they have more paper than they’d like. Online Services can be used as an archive for your communications with the board so that you’ll always know where to find your information.
- Information available during a postal disruption. We’ve experienced a number of postal disruptions over the years that have resulted in members not being able to get timely information. Internet disruptions are more common, but also tend to be very brief, and don’t significantly impact timely delivery of communications.
- Use your Document Centre to securely exchange (send and receive) documents with the CSSB.
- Use the Edit my Profile feature to provide address and spouse/partner information.
- View and print your Annual Employee Pension Statements (available back to 2009).
- Commencing with the December 31, 2013 Annual Statements, automatic distribution of paper copies will be discontinued. Annual Statements will be provided through our Online Services.
- Run current estimates of pension and termination entitlements using your actual account information and the same calculator we use in office.
- Get an estimate of the tax you can expect to be deducted from your pension amount.
- See employee insurance information, including schedule of life insurance coverage and bi-weekly premiums, and dependents coverage.
- View your account history, showing your pensionable service and earnings each year.
- See current Money Purchase Account balances, if applicable, and run MPP annuity estimates once you’re age 55.
- Register for a pre-retirement group seminar.
- Fill out your retirement application online.
The CSSB offers Online Services to its membership, both active and retired. Registered retired members have access to a wide range of services, including:
- Document Centre where documents can be exchanged between the CSSB and member,
- Retirement Insurance,
- Year to Date information,
- Account Information,
- Payment History,
- Income Tax Estimator,
- Ability to register and retrieve T4A and monthly pension statements online,
- Pension payroll dates, and
- Ability to update their contact information using Edit My Profile.
Members are encouraged to register as notifications regarding available newsletters, Annual Reports, T4As, and monthly pension statements are only sent to registered members. It is also important to keep your contact information up-to-date as mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses change.
- Register for online documents, allowing you to view your pension payment history, monthly pension statements and year to date information, and retrieve your annual T4A forms.
- See details of your pension from the “My Pension Account” screen.
- View your schedule of life insurance coverage and premiums.
- See a schedule of pension payroll dates.