The 2018 Public Service Group Insurance Fund valuation revealed a surplus. The Superannuation and Insurance Liaison Committee, which represents employees and pensioners, and the Employer Pension and Insurance Advisory Committee, which represents employers, negotiated an agreement on how that surplus will be used. For more information, please go to the Publications section of our website under Fact Sheets.

2022-11-09T12:05:39-05:00May 30, 2022|

Pensioner Statements

Pensioners, would you like to get fewer emails from us? If you currently receive monthly notifications that your online pension statement is available for viewing, you can now elect to receive statements only in months where there has been a change to your net payment. You can make this change by logging in to your Online Services account, then selecting the Document Preferences tab under “Edit my Profile”.

2023-09-11T15:40:09-05:00March 7, 2022|

Reserve Your Spot in a 2022 Pre-Retirement Webinar!

Although our in-person seminars have also been cancelled for the time being, we are offering live Pre-Retirement Webinars starting in February 2022. An online seminar is a live presentation made available using Zoom video conferencing software. Members who register for an online seminar will be able to view the PowerPoint presentation from their own computer, hear the presenter’s explanations, and have an opportunity to ask questions which could be answered live, providing there is adequate time to do so.

You can register by logging in to your CSSB Online Services account then go to Register for Group Seminars to choose a date and time that is convenient for you.

2024-04-29T15:12:51-05:00January 25, 2022|

New Online Services Tool for Special Service Buy Back Estimates

Employees who are registered for Online Services now have access to a Special Service Buy Back Estimator. Enter your annual salary and the number of years you’re interested in purchasing, and the estimator will tell you the current cost and the approximate increase to your pension. View the results on screen or print a copy for future reference.

2022-11-09T12:04:08-05:00December 21, 2021|

All Charities Donations to Cease

Effective January 2022, pensioners will no longer be able to donate to the All Charities Campaign. The Province has advised that, “the technology and infrastructure that supported All Charities is no longer reliable. This means that the All Charities campaign can not continue as it always has.”

No action is required to cancel donations after December 2021.

Pensioners who wish to continue to donate to their favourite charities should contact those organizations directly to make arrangements. Donations to other organizations through deduction from your pension will not be possible.

2022-11-09T12:05:53-05:00December 21, 2021|

Welcome to CSSB’s New Website!

Our member survey in 2018 told us that our website was the most widely used service that CSSB provides, and although the satisfaction level with the website was respectable, it received the lowest score of the services considered. Members told us that there was room for improvement in how the site was organized and in its overall appeal. We listened and are pleased to welcome you to the new CSSB website. The new site has an updated look, but everything you're looking for is still here and should be easier to find.

Comments or feedback? Please email

2022-03-07T14:38:05-05:00December 2, 2021|

July 2021 Pension Payments Include 2020 Cost-of-Living Increase

The Board approved a 0.49% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for eligible pension recipients, which will be included in the July 2021 pension payments. 

This increase is equal to 2/3 of the increase in the Canadian Consumer Price Index for 2020, which was 0.73%. A history of CSSB COLA percentages since 1977 can be found here.

This increase also applies to eligible members with a deferred account.

The actuary has continued to express concern that, unless changes are made, the Account will not be able to meet the target of granting additional COLA’s each year at the rate of 2/3 of the increase in the Consumer Price Index. The Board shares this concern. 

The Superannuation and Insurance Liaison Committee, which represents plan members in negotiating plan benefits, is studying the sustainability of the COLA Account.

2021-10-22T14:04:36-05:00July 23, 2021|

2020 T4A’s are in the Mail – February 20, 2021

T4A’s in respect of pension payments made in 2020 have been sent to Canada Post for mailing.

Your T4A will have been mailed to you if you are not registered for Online Services, or if you are registered for Online Services but you had not accessed your T4A at the time the forms were printed.

If you are registered for Online Services, you can still access your 2020 T4A from there.

2021-10-22T13:57:40-05:00February 20, 2021|
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