Keep up with the latest news affecting the pension plan and its members.
CSSB Holiday Hours
The CSSB office will be closing for the holidays at 4:30 p.m. on December 29nd and reopening at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, January 2nd.
CSSB Holiday Hours
The CSSB office will be closing for the holidays at 4:30 p.m. on December 22nd and reopening at 8 a.m. on Wednesday December 27th.
Reserve Your Spot in a 2018 Seminar
Our 2018 Pre-Retirement and One-on-One Seminars are now listed in the Seminars section of our website, under Member Services. Employees can register for Pre-Retirement Seminars through our Online Services website.
Board Member Changes
As of June 2017, Mr. Paul Desorcy has resigned his position as the Manitoba Hydro Group Employee Representative on the Board. We extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Desorcy for his efforts and contributions to the Board since his election in the fall of 2012.
July Pension Payments Include 2016 Cost of Living Increase
For eligible pension recipients, the July 2017 pension payment will include a 1.00% Cost-of-Living increase.
Pension Beneficiary Designation for Pre-retirement Death Benefits
The Civil Service Superannuation Board has developed a form that members can use if they wish to designate a pension beneficiary for pre-retirement death benefits.
June 8, 2017 Online Seminar has been Cancelled
The online seminar scheduled for Thursday, June 8, 2017 has been cancelled due to low registration. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Mission and Vision Statements
Board Adopts New Guiding Statements The Board’s Mission and Vision statements underwent an in-depth review in 2016 and the result was a new set of Guiding Statements for the Board and the Board staff. These Guiding Statements document our vision for the future, our mission and purpose, and our values.
Online Pre-Retirement Seminar being Offered on June 8, 2017 & November 1, 2017
CSSB will be hosting online pre-retirement seminars on Thursday, June 8 at 9:00 am. and Wednesday, November 1 at 9:00am. An online seminar is a live presentation made available to participants over the internet, using video conferencing software.
Recorded Online Pre-Retirement Seminar Available for Viewing
A recording of the online pre-retirement seminar held on December 9, 2016 has been posted to CSSB’s Online Services.
Members can access it by signing in to their Online Services account and clicking on the "View Online Seminar" option on the left-hand side menu.
Online Pre-Retirement Seminar being Offered on March 21, 2017
CSSB will be hosting another online pre-retirement seminar on Tuesday, March 21 at 9:00 am. An online seminar is a live presentation made available to participants over the internet, using video conferencing software.
2016 CSSB T4As Available Online
For pension recipients who have registered for the CSSB’s Online Services, your 2016 T4A is now available to download or print.
CSSB Board Election Results
The election of employee representatives to the CSSB took place this past fall with ballots counted last week.
Online Pre-Retirement Seminar being Offered on December 9, 2016
CSSB will be hosting another online pre-retirement seminar on Friday, December 9 at 8:30 am. An online seminar is a live presentation made available to participants over the internet, using video conferencing software.
Online Seminar being Offered on a Trial Basis
Not able to make it out to one of our seminar locations? CSSB will be hosting an online seminar on Tuesday, September 27 at 12:30 pm. This first online seminar will allow CSSB to test this new service and determine the level of interest among members.
Reserve Your Spot in a 2017 Seminar
Our 2017 Pre-Retirement and One-on-One Seminars are now listed in our Seminars Section. Employees can register for Pre-Retirement Seminars through our Online Services Website.
Potential Mail Disruption
In anticipation of a potential mail disruption, the government’s Mail Distribution Agency (MDA) has advised that their regular mail service will cease until further notice. As a result, the Board has to temporarily change how it deals with outgoing mail. Until such time as there is an actual postal disruption, the Board expects to continue with business as usual, using regular postal services rather than MDA. The Board recognizes that individuals who are expecting a printed cheque from our office will be particularly concerned about a mail disruption. Printed cheques would include termination benefits and monthly pension cheques for those who still have paper cheques mailed to them. If a mail disruption has occurred or appears to be quite likely when a printed cheque is ready to be sent out, we will look at the alternatives available. These may include using the Province’s distribution centres, or holding cheques until the disruption has been resolved. If you are expecting a cheque to be mailed and would prefer to make arrangements to pick it up, please contact our office at 204-946-3200, or toll free (within Canada) at 1-800-432-5134, or by emailing Pension payments made by direct deposit will not be affected... Read More
With negotiations between Canada Post and its employees continuing, the CSSB will commence using Canada Post until a 72 hour lockout notice or strike notice is issued by either side.
July Pension Payments Include 2015 Cost of Living Increase
For eligible pension recipients, the July 2016 pension payment will include a 1.07% Cost-of-Living increase.
Commencing June 29, 2016, the Board will stop sending mail until further notice.
CSSB 2015 Annual Report is now available!
The 2015 CSSB Annual Report is now available in the Publications section.
Update for Pensioners who receive their Cheques by Mail
June pension cheques for those pensioners who receive their cheques by mail were mailed on June 23, 2016. The cheques are dated June 29, 2016 and should not be deposited prior to that date.
Retroactive Salary Increases
The recent ratification of several collective agreements in the Province is expected to result in retroactive salary increases for many members in the plan. A retroactive salary adjustment may increase your pension if it increases your Best Five Year Average Pensionable Salary. Salary for pension purposes is defined in The Civil Service Superannuation Act and generally includes your regular remuneration (with any eligible vacation cash-out) and excludes anything else that does not form part of your regular remuneration. Regular remuneration is typically determined by the employer and may be defined in a collective agreement or employment contract. If a retroactive increase is considered by the employer as pensionable salary, the employer will deduct pension contributions and report that salary to the CSSB. Retroactive increases in pensionable earnings paid to employees in 2016 will be reported to us as part of the employer year end process in the first several months of 2017. If you leave employment in 2016, any retroactive salary amount that impacts your pensionable earnings would be used to determine your actual pension entitlement. We would do a recalculation to include retroactive salary paid to a former employee who has resigned, been dismissed, or died, if the former employee or... Read More
2015 CSSB T4As Available Online
For pension recipients who have registered for the CSSB’s Online Services, your 2015 T4A is now available to download or print.
Update on Proposed Plan Changes
Proposed changes to eliminate the Old Age Security Integration option and simplify pension application deadlines after 2015 did not pass before the Legislative Assembly recessed in early December. Members can contact the Liaison Committee if wanting to determine whether that committee has any updates on the status of these potential changes. The Liaison Committee website is accessible through the board’s website Links.